All in A Tiswas: Rachel Doyle interview, 11th April 2020

We’ve had another interview with a cage resident from Tiswas Reunited! Step forth, Chris Tarrant uberfan, Rachel Doyle, a proud Mancunian who really enjoys being in the company of Tiswas’s most famous host, even when he’s flinging buckets of water at her!

go on, go on, go on...

When we say Rachel likes Chris Tarrant, that’s rather an understatement. Not only has she been a fan from the days of Tiswas, she’s been to watch the flaxon-haired TV presenter take lead on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire (mind you, so did a few of the TiswasOnline folk back before that gig was handed over to some bloke off Top Gear).

Rachel Doyle gives us her perspective on being soaked and gunged by her TV hero, back in 2007, at The London Studios as ITV filmed the Tiswas reunion.